Friday 17 May 2013

a field study of a Glow Red Williams pear continues

Glow Red Williams Pear - Pyrus communis
16th May 2013

How can Field Study's Man in E17 carry out a survey of the allotment and forest garden if he is a bean embedded in the fecundity of the raised beds of the polytunnel? The fault lines of the allotment plot are such that the field student can contrive ways of continuing and this he has done by fancying himself as a rhizome; a rhizomatic explorer of the site, worming his way through the terra nova of his horticultural naivety. The study is convoluted but not as convoluted as it should be if this ongoing report is to be as fantastically coiling and twisting as the resurgent bindweed, Convolvulus, making it's way up out of every 2.54sq cm of ground to take a hold of whatever is still long enough. The indomitable field student can never be weeded completely.

A visit to the 'Glow Red Williams' pear saw the fruit setting and the onset of some new infestation in evidence via the leaves. We think the infestation may be, Eriophyes pyri.

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